
16 Mar 2016

Blog Tour Book Review / The Hurricane by R J Prescott

Emily McCarthy is living in fear of a dark and dangerous past. A gifted mathematician, she is little more than a hollow, broken shell, trying desperately to make ends meet long enough to finish her degree.

Through an unlikely friendship with the aging, cantankerous owner of an old boxing gym, Em is thrown into the path of the most dangerous man that she has ever met.

Cormac “the Hurricane” O’Connell is cut, tattooed and dangerous. He is a lethal weapon with no safety and everyone is waiting for the mis-fire. He’s never been knocked out before, but when he meet Em he falls, HARD. Unlike any other girl he’s ever met, she doesn’t want anything from him, but just being around her makes him want to be a better person.

They are polar opposites who were never meant to find each other, but some things are just worth the fight.

Published:     16th February 2015
Publisher:  Little Brown
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1, The Hurricane
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher


What I liked about this story...  Honestly speaking, this is not a book that I would normally pick up.  Certainly, from the cover this is definitely not the style of story that I would pick up if seen on a shelf but the description just grabbed my attention.  It think it was more the 'dark and dangerous past' that captured my interest at the start.  I am so glad that I read this.  The relationships in this story felt so real it was so hard not to keep reading until the very last page!  I couldn't even pinpoint which relationship I liked the best.  You have Emily and Cormac, the main characters in this story.  You see them meet, get to know each other and then getting to know each other a lot better, if you know what I mean!  Then you have all the characters at the boxing club where Emily starts to work at and slowly gets used to the boyish atmosphere.  The effect she has on each of them was noticeable.  It seemed like it was good for them to have her about rather than just having an all boys atmosphere.  They also become very protective of Emily, seeing her as one of their own.  I really enjoyed this part of the story the most.

What I didn't like about the story...    Although I did really enjoy the story, I had wished there had been more to the 'dark and dangerous past'.  Obviously this past is explained throughout the story but I felt the conclusion could have been less quick and more intense.  That said, it was a really good ending and one that I was expecting.

In summary...  Oh yes, this is such a great romantic novel.  If this is your thing, you should pick this up.  If this is not normally your thing and you like the sound of the description, you should pick this up.  In fact, you should all pick this up and give it a go.  It's that good...

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